The diary of a self-builder – Winter 2016
Week Eight: Making windows…
The timber outer frame is now up, and the builders have cut out the window openings - feels more like a house than a big timber box now, and with strong winds on the way, the window cut-outs reduce the chance of damage to the structure. The builders have stapled the outer insulation and silver lining to the wooden frame and are starting to put the scaffolding up ready for the roof trusses to be erected. We had heavy snow fall, and the site looks beautiful, but it's not safe to work when it's snow-covered, so work has to stop for a couple of days.
Week Nine: A roof over our heads…
The roof trusses have arrived and have been craned into place, and the builders are busy bracing them and securing them into place. It's great to see the finished house structure, and we can see the finished height and how it sits on the plot. Really pleased with it!
< Week Six & Seven
Week Ten & Eleven >